Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information.
The purpose of Marine Regions is to create a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and
maps of the geographic location of these features.
The objectives are to capture all geographic marine names worldwide, including ocean basins, seas, seamounts, sandbanks,
ridges, bays and other marine geographical place names and attributes, and to display univocally the boundaries of marine
biogeographic or other managed marine areas in order to facilitate marine data management, marine (bio)geographic research
and the management of marine areas.
Marine Regions is freely available at .
The Marine Regions database builds further on an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer (place names) and the VLIZ Maritime
Boundaries Geodatabase (polygons for sea areas).
Funding for the creation of the VLIMAR gazetteer was provided initially through the EU Network of Excellence MarBEF, funding
for the further development and maintenance of Marine Regions is provided by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part
of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch.
Basic information
dct:title | | ||||
dct:description | Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information. The purpose of Marine Regions is to create a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and maps of the geographic location of these features. The objectives are to capture all geographic marine names worldwide, including ocean basins, seas, seamounts, sandbanks, ridges, bays and other marine geographical place names and attributes, and to display univocally the boundaries of marine biogeographic or other managed marine areas in order to facilitate marine data management, marine (bio)geographic research and the management of marine areas. Marine Regions is freely available at . The Marine Regions database builds further on an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer (place names) and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase (polygons for sea areas). Funding for the creation of the VLIMAR gazetteer was provided initially through the EU Network of Excellence MarBEF, funding for the further development and maintenance of Marine Regions is provided by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch. | ||||
dct:publisher |
dcat:keyword |
Statuut | Vlaamse Open data | ||||
Statuut | | ||||
dcat:theme | Bio-geographical regions | Geographical names | ||||
dct:identifier | doi:10.1080/01490419.2014.902881 |
Version information
dct:created | 2019-06-24T00:00:00 |
dct:modified | 2022-10-15T00:00:00 |
Usage information
dcat:contactPoint |
dct:accessRights | |
Catalog record
dct:identifier | df21856a-7687-3586-a212-cad14dbb53c1 |
dct:modified | 2025-01-26T02:15:00.258Z |
Conformiteit met standaard
dct:title | Dcat-ap-vl |
dct:description | Dit applicatieprofiel beschrijft Open Data Catalogi in Vlaanderen. DCAT-AP Vlaanderen (DCAT-AP VL) is een verdere specialisatie van DCAT-AP. De applicatie waarop dit profiel betrekking heeft is een Open Data Portaal in Vlaanderen. Open Data portalen zijn catalogussen van Open Data datasets. Ze hebben als belangrijkste doelstelling het vindbaar maken van data en hierdoor het hergebruik ervan te stimuleren. Open Data portalen vervullen een centrale rol in de overheidsopdracht om de toegankelijkheid tot overheidsinformatie te realiseren. Met dit applicatieprofiel bevorderen we de uniformiteit van de beschikbare informatie over datasets. Tevens vereenvoudigen we het aggregatie proces van meerdere Open Data Catalogi. Dit document bevat de verplichte elementen en bijkomende elementen waarover DCAT-AP Vlaanderen een uitspraak doet. Aanbevolen en optionele informatie waarvoor geen bijkomende afspraken in de context van DCAT-AP Vlaanderen zijn, zijn niet opgenomen in dit document. Hiervoor verwijzen we naar de DCAT-AP specificatie zelf. |
owl:versionInfo | 2.0 |