TestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium
<p>Freshwater bodies perform a very important role in the ecological network and they are of great importance for biodiversity
conservation. Because of their quick response to local and regional changes in environmental conditions, they are sensitive
indicators of ongoing processes. Many users of these freshwater bodies need (or need to develop) a certain ecological quality.
To optimize the ecological function of lentic freshwater systems a good understanding of their condition and occurring changes
is needed and a specific reference situation is required. A classification that leans on a broad ecological base is essential.
To have, in the future, a more objective and effective way to perform nature conservation, to prioritize nature development
ect, we need to map the different types of freshwater bodies. We also need more knowledge related to environmental circumstances
who can secure sustainable development of aquatic communities. The main objective of this study include the simplification
of the main variety of permanent lentic freshwater systems in Flanders into workable units for environmental assessment, management
and planning. A hierarchic typology will be worked out, based on biotic and ecological characteristics of key factors. The
data collected in this context they are also important for determining the ongoing ecological status of still waters and to
develop specific targets and a pragmatic evaluation method.</p>
Titel | TestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium | ||||
Beschrijving | <p>Freshwater bodies perform a very important role in the ecological network and they are of great importance for biodiversity conservation. Because of their quick response to local and regional changes in environmental conditions, they are sensitive indicators of ongoing processes. Many users of these freshwater bodies need (or need to develop) a certain ecological quality. To optimize the ecological function of lentic freshwater systems a good understanding of their condition and occurring changes is needed and a specific reference situation is required. A classification that leans on a broad ecological base is essential. To have, in the future, a more objective and effective way to perform nature conservation, to prioritize nature development ect, we need to map the different types of freshwater bodies. We also need more knowledge related to environmental circumstances who can secure sustainable development of aquatic communities. The main objective of this study include the simplification of the main variety of permanent lentic freshwater systems in Flanders into workable units for environmental assessment, management and planning. A hierarchic typology will be worked out, based on biotic and ecological characteristics of key factors. The data collected in this context they are also important for determining the ongoing ecological status of still waters and to develop specific targets and a pragmatic evaluation method.</p> | ||||
Uitgever |
Trefwoord | |||||
Statuut | Vlaamse Open data | ||||
Thema | http://eurovoc.europa.eu/5463 | ||||
Identificator | https://www.gbif.org/dataset/66178162-01dc-4133-9b3c-83265481c383 |
Versie informatie
Wijzigingsdatum | 2022-05-31T09:19+02:00 |
Contactinformatie |
Bijsluiter | https://ipt.inbo.be/resource?r=testwat-occurrences |
Ruimtelijke en temporele begrenzing
Locatie |
Extra informatie
Taal | http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/en |
Titel | Darwin Core Archive of TestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium |
Beschrijving | Darwin Core Archive |
URL | https://ipt.inbo.be/resource?r=testwat-occurrences |
Catalog record
Identificator | 20ad13cf-69f0-3f96-95ed-31a8c11c59fd |
Wijzigingsdatum | 2024-12-11T01:15:02.279Z |
Conformiteit met standaard
Titel | Dcat-ap-vl |
Beschrijving | Dit applicatieprofiel beschrijft Open Data Catalogi in Vlaanderen. DCAT-AP Vlaanderen (DCAT-AP VL) is een verdere specialisatie van DCAT-AP. De applicatie waarop dit profiel betrekking heeft is een Open Data Portaal in Vlaanderen. Open Data portalen zijn catalogussen van Open Data datasets. Ze hebben als belangrijkste doelstelling het vindbaar maken van data en hierdoor het hergebruik ervan te stimuleren. Open Data portalen vervullen een centrale rol in de overheidsopdracht om de toegankelijkheid tot overheidsinformatie te realiseren. Met dit applicatieprofiel bevorderen we de uniformiteit van de beschikbare informatie over datasets. Tevens vereenvoudigen we het aggregatie proces van meerdere Open Data Catalogi. Dit document bevat de verplichte elementen en bijkomende elementen waarover DCAT-AP Vlaanderen een uitspraak doet. Aanbevolen en optionele informatie waarvoor geen bijkomende afspraken in de context van DCAT-AP Vlaanderen zijn, zijn niet opgenomen in dit document. Hiervoor verwijzen we naar de DCAT-AP specificatie zelf. |
Versie | 2.0 |